Welcome to the Cornhole

Corn Chip - Mateus

Disgraced Garlean. Revenge-seeker. Midriff king. Gluten-free.


I like to roleplay Corn in different eras of his life! This, combined with his unusual and unique attributes, obliges me to lay out some benchmarks and details of his timeline. (Stormblood spoilers)

Pre-1.0, Year 1547-1565

  • Cornelius is raised as distant Garlean royalty. He becomes childhood companion — or victim? — to the younger Zenos.

Pre-Seventh Calamity, Year 1565

  • Cornelius turns 18, and his career as a politician ends before it can begin when a military deployment topples his comfortable aspirations. Rumor in court for his pseudo-exile was that he deeply upset the tumultuous prince. He spends the next seven years in service across northern Eorzea in the XIVth and is not afforded to return to Garlemald.

Seventh Calamity, Year 1572

  • At the presumed end of the world he deserts the Garlean military, which did not exactly work out because the world did not end and he is subsequently marked for execution by his officers.

Pre-ARR, year 1572-1573

  • Cornelius wanders Eorzea and becomes a downright menace in his attempts to re-attain the good graces of his Empire while also evading them trying to kill him at every turn. This would be an "It's complicated" relationship on Facebook.

Pre-ARR, year 1573-1574

  • Brought low by a group of adventurers in Gridania, he is left to die. The Garleans hunting him have a chance to catch up and enlist (ie force) him into the budding Resonant project in nearby Ala Mhigo. Body modification trials need their titular bodies. Paperwork is passed along. Cornelius is declared dead.

Liberation, year 1575-1577 (present)

  • Cornelius escapes a fate of sedation, tests, and eventual dissection. He roams with distrust for non-Garleans, but takes jobs from — and flat-out takes from — those who don't ask questions. A Corn Chip's gotta eat.


Body type:Muscular


With the full name and title Cornelius wir Vanitas, Corn is stuck with a rather unfortunate nickname. He tries to keep it as un-stuck as possible, preferring to go by his surname for introductions.


His mechanical augments serve a function. They convert his body's inherent electrical aether into wind to help him breathe through ruined lungs. Cornelius is a mechanic by necessity to maintain these devices. As a bonus he's grown fluent in any armament with a blade or barrel.



Built like a chip shithouse with intimidating height. He's so obsessively toned you can immediately tell he has no social life. Adversely, he looks ragged and sickly in the (half-masked) face.


A rash, irritable, scrappy survivor. He's yet to work through his trauma with the Empire, instead laying the blame on anyone within punching distance. He seethes anger and contempt, unwilling and unable to attain healthy companionship. He's really, really, really, really not fun at parties.

He will never introduce himself with the title of wir. He no longer has a claim to — nor desire for — the throne of Garlemald. Only those with a deep investment in upper Garlean society at the peak of its strength might recognize him. This facet is for my own personal writing and needs not have weight in any RP interaction aside from my closest RP partners. Acknowledging his status in modern-day Etheirys is entirely up to you.


Please call me Corn, or Rage if you know of me! I've been drawing and writing for over 15 years and I am good at neither! Lower your expectations.

I'm in PST! I can roleplay most evenings and nights. Message me in-game to discuss schedules! I prefer to plan out scenarios beforehand via Discord or Tells to avoid disrupting and offending people with Garlic-flavored walkups.
I love RP! If there is even the slightest interest, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Send me a tell at Corn Chip@Mateus! I'm probably online right now!!

What you should know:

  • He/Him for Corn, She/They for mun

  • 21+ partners preferred regardless of RP topic. NO minors.

  • All RP welcome (with proper OOC warnings and consent)

  • Comedy/Adventure/Serious character progression and introspection. It's about the gap. The gap!

  • Shoutout to Corn's boobs

  • Trans rights. I don't associate with self-titled "c✗ntboys", "f✗tas", and "tr✗ps"

  • I also don't associate with nazis. My character has strong and offensive viewpoints, but he is an unreliable narrator and a fallible one and my ultimate goal for him is growth and atonement. It's cool if you're into Garlemald. It's fucking weird if you're putting eagles and skulls on your Garlean outfits, you freaks.

Other characters



All it takes to see Corn's red Garlean eye is a strong breeze. Punch him in the face, spit in his direction, cause a fuss! I'm all for capture, interrogation, and antagonizing. This goes for both sides, as he was wanted for desertion before recent events (Endwalker). I prefer to do conflict like this in private RP so that the situation doesn't escalate with strangers. Harming him is okay, killing him is not.


The clinking in his bag is not coin, but brass cartridges and rusty mechanic's tools. Ceruleum lingers on him like a layer of phosphorous musk. He avoids hostile cities but often restocks supplies in neutral settlements such as Kugane and pirate towns. His magitek bike is currently broken. The gunblade on his back is Garlean, but outdated by several models. He is wary of miqo'te.

In Your Dreams

Corn's false Echo is a flawed prototype. It only manifests while he sleeps within a set radius of the individual. He cannot interact with the dreams, and only those who also possess the Echo will recognize his presence in their minds. Like its true progenitor, the power cannot be controlled or forced. He is also in possession of a surreal sense of smell and insatiable appetite.


Snippets of roleplay and personal writing detailing Cornelius' journey. If our RP doesn't end up here please don't take it personally (;´∀`) I never draw


He seems too vulnerable for a minute there. Like a sleeper being awoken slowly and gently by a sunbeam. With shut eyes, guided by whatever is most comfortable as if sleepwalking, he encircles Lazlo’s fire-bearing wrist with his fingers, repositioning the hand and flame to the far side of his neck. Lazlo's breath hitches, and the flame trembles - but he stays his focus, keeping the flame from sputtering out. He dares not speak, watching Cornelius' expression, his own casually guarded.